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Fire School Brochure 2024

Kirkwood Community College



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Learning Seminar Offerings (3-Hours)


Anatomy of a Disaster: The Risk of Modern Building and Maintenance

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Brian Freese, Centralia - Peosta/National Ed. Center Ag Safety

Objective: New construction pitfalls, remodel cost savings, poor upkeep and maintenance practices - what do they have in common? All can spell disaster when a fire breaks out both for the occupants and the responders. This class will look at several cases where decisions made, from modern home construction to the upkeep in large multi-residential unit buildings, led to disaster. By looking at these events, we might better prepare for our own responses.

Sep 28


Class ID:



Fire Investigation: What You Need to Know

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Lucas Ossman, Special Agent, State Fire Marshal Office

Objective: This class is intended to cover the basics of fire investigation, directed to those just getting into fire investigation. It will also serve as a refresher to those who may have more experience in fire investigation. Topics covered include understanding fire behavior, recognizing basic fire patterns, recognizing the effects of ventilation, examination of the fire scene to determine the area of origin, scene preservation, and fire cause determination. In addition, understanding the State Fire Marshal's response policy and areas of coverage along with basic terminology and burn pattern analysis will be provided and re-enforced through multiple case studies with special emphasis on the investigation of fatality fires.

Date: Sep 28

9am-12pm    Class ID: 145345

1-4pm            Class ID: 145352




Image Trend - Getting the Data Back Out

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Tomme Tysdal, Contractor, Fire Service Training Bureau

Objective: This course will assist you in how to make the data from the reports work for you. In addition, we will dig into the report writer functions of Image Trend and how to pull data out to help drive decisions made by your organization.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 1-4pm

Class ID: 145347

Tuition: $35



Mental Health for First Responders

For: All Fire, EMS  and Rescue Service Personnel

Emma Schutte, LMHC, Schutte Counseling, LLC.

Required Equipment:

Objective: This course is designed to address the unique mental health challenges faced by first responders, including firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency medical services personnel, and dispatchers. This class will provide an overview of mental health issues in the context of the demanding and high-stress environments encountered in emergency response professions. Through a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, case studies, and practical exercises, participants will learn effective strategies for recognizing, managing, and coping with stress, trauma, and burnout.

Date: Sep 28


Class ID:




NFIRS - Image Trend Basics

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Tomme Tysdal, Contractor, Fire Service Training Bureau

Objective: This is a high-level introduction to the National Fire Reporting Information System, including how the data collected impacts organizations, how you can improve your data collection by knowing common pitfalls, and how to get answers to your questions. This class focuses on the basics of good reporting that is applicable to all records management systems, but will focus on Image Trend.

Sep 28


Class ID:




Preplans and Operating at Buildings with a Fire Protection System

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Shawn Fluharty, Marion Fire Department

Objective: Are you ready to respond to bigger buildings in your response area? This class will allow you to understand what information should be included on preplans and provide examples of preplan templates and software. Having the information available en route to a call or in the initial few minutes can change the outcome of the call. Also discussed will be operating at buildings that have a sprinkler and fire alarm systems. Sprinkler and fire alarm systems are becoming more and more common, not only in medium to large districts but also smaller rural areas. Having a basic knowledge of these systems and how they affect your response is critical.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-12pm

Class ID: 145346

Tuition: $35


Recognizing the Warning Signs of Flashover and Fire Behavior (Hands-On)

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Assistant Chief Nick Dinges- Sublette Fire Dept, Chaon Hanson- Rock Island Fire Dept, Captain Tina Humston-North Liberty Fire Dept, Captain Tom Hartshorn- Iowa City Fire Dept

Required Equipment: Full NFPA compliant protective clothing and SCBA will be required for all students involved in the hands-on portion of this course.

Objective: Each year, firefighters are seriously injured or killed in the line of duty when confronted by deteriorating conditions, rapid fire growth, and flashover. This class will utilize Drager's Swede Survival System in a safe, controlled environment helping firefighters recognize the key indicators of flashover to make risk-based decisions to avoid being caught in a flashover situation. The goal of this class is to increase firefighter awareness of flashover techniques and safety. Students will also learn fire behavior and smoke recognition with a burn lab. This will start with basic fire behavior and lead into tactical considerations on the fireground. This class has something to offer to all personnel, from new firefighters to the most seasoned officers.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-12pm                    Class ID: 145355

Day/Time: 1-4pm                            Class ID: 145349

Tuition: $35


Size Up: Understanding and Interpreting Buildings

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Casey Carpenter, Fire Chief Cherokee

Objective: This is an interactive class that covers the basics of riding assignments on the rigs. This course is designed for the backwards-riding firefighter, all the way to the command level officer. Together, we will understand how single-family houses are built and the reasons behind their design. We will then look at houses to find out what the floor plan is. This is a crucial skill to be able to navigate through a house in limited or no visibility fires effectively.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-12pm                    Class ID: 145375

Day/Time: 1-4pm                             Class ID: 145374

Tuition: $35


Trauma in Agriculture Emergencies

For: All Fire, EMS  and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Brian Freese, Centralia - Peosta/National Ed. Center Ag Safety

Objective: Accidents in agriculture happen in the blink of an eye.  What are common injuries and how can first responders prepare for them?  This course is going to look at various types of injuries, how we deal with them in the prehospital setting, and some of the considerations we must make for the best interest of our patients.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-12pm

Class ID: 145322

Tuition: $35



One Day Offerings (6-Hours)

Auto Extrication Basics (Hands-On)

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): PRI Staff Instructors and FSTB Field Intructors

Required Equipment: Full NFPA compliant protective clothing and safety glasses will be required for all students involved in the hands-on portion of this class.

Objective: This course provides basics hands-on training for fire and rescue personnel in size-up, stabilization, hazard control, patient access, disentanglement, and scene control techniques at automobile accidents involving one or two vehicles remaining on their wheels. Emphasis is placed on proper choice, placement, and use of equipment available locally. The tools and techniques used in vehicle extrication are applied to any situation where a patient must be removed from an area of entrapment. This class will especially focus on the use of cribbing, lifting airbags, and struts.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145318

Tuition: $60


Beginner Basics for Structural Firefighters (Hands-On)

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): John Zlabek, Hiawatha/Walker Fire and Kirkwood Fire Instructors

Required Equipment: Full NFPA compliant protective clothing and SCBA will be required for all students involved in the hands-on portion of this course.

Objective: This course is designed to give new firefighters the minimum basic knowledge and skills for practical and cognitive training needed to operate safely and effectively on the fire ground. Students will complete numerous evolutions for fire hose handling, SCBA, fire streams, and live fire training. Please note this is not a substitute for the full Firefighter 1 course but an introduction.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145382

Tuition: $60


Fire and Safety Operations Training for Motorsports Venues (Hands-On)

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): PRI Staff Instructors and FSTB Field Intructors

Required Equipment: Lightweight Rescue or Fire Helmet, Safety glasses, full firefighter turnout or extrication coveralls, leather or extrication gloves

Objective: This course is based on the NFPA 610 guide for emergency and safety operations at motorsports venues. Topics covered include proper selection, use and maintenance of PPE, proper selection and use of fire extinguishing equipment, minimum staffing and equipment requirements,extrication equipment, and communications equipment, protocols, and techniques. There will also be live fire training and extrication evolutions using actual race cars for the students to utilize cooperatively with their new skills.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145306

Tuition: $60

Grain Bin Rescue Training (Hands-On)

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): NECAS Staff (National Education Center for Agricultural Safety) and FSTB Field Instructors

Required Equipment: Full NFPA compliant protective clothing and safety glasses will be required for all students involved in the hands-on portion of this class.

Objective: This course will include hands-on training using a state-of-the-art grain engulfment simulator. Students will learn the four main causes of grain engulfments as well as how to rescue a victim from a partial or full entrapment. They will also learn to treat patients with crush and compartment syndrome and airway obstructions.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145377

Tuition: $60


Remember EMS Rule #1? (Hands On)

For: All Fire, EMS  and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Emergency Training Center, LLC

Objective: Blood goes round and round, air goes in and out - anything different than this, there is a problem. Remember when you first got your EMS certification, you did everything by the book? Over the years you learned the ''street methods'' for doing things. Using those street smarts and critical thinking skills that have developed over the years, let's go back to the basics of medical and trauma care. What is going on with the patient? From scene safety, airway management, and beyond, we will review those basic assessment and procedural skills. We'll discuss emerging trends in the prehospital setting to determine treatment(s) and outcomes in our patients. We will also review several case studies using critical thinking skills.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145307

Tuition: $60

SCBA Confidence Course: The Point of No Return - Do You Have What it Takes to Get Back? (Hands On)

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Monroe Township Fire Department Personnel

Required Equipment: Full NFPA compliant protective clothing and SCBA will be required for all students involved in the hands-on portion of this course.

Objective: This class is designed for both the new and experienced firefighter. We utilize a short amount of classroom time to cover important aspects of the training but put most of the focus of the class into the hands-on portion. By incorporating several props, we can create an SCBA course that will challenge the experienced firefighter and build confidence in the new firefighter. As you maneuver through the course, you will be challenged to work on air conservation, disorientation, mayday, communications, and other tactical functions used during interior operations. You will not be sitting around when not in the SCBA course; you will be put through several other skills utilizing tools, webbing, and teamwork. The goal of this class is to have participants walk away feeling challenged and possess more confidence in their ability to function in an SCBA during a stressful situation. This class will start at Kirkwood and move over to Monroe Township Fire Department, 3421 Midway Rd, Toddville.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145321

Tuition: $60


School Bus Rescue

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): PRI Staff Instructors and FSTB Field Intructors

Required Equipment: Full NFPA compliant protective clothing and safety glasses will be required for all students involved in the hands-on portion of this class.

Objective: Do you think of young children in a large yellow vehicles when you see the words ''school bus?'' Think again. This course will take a look at school buses today and various rescue methods to include advanced extrication techniques and patient care challenges. Upon completion, the student will be able to: identify early in the incident the resources involved due to multicasualties; demonstrate proper patient packaging and removal techniques; recognize the need for S.T.A.R.T. Triage System and understand the special medical needs associated with bus accidents.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145317

Tuition: $60

Structural Firefighting (Hands On)

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): Customized Firefighter Training

Required Equipment: Full NFPA compliant protective clothing and SCBA will be required for all students involved in the hands-on portion of this course.

Objective: If you want to get HOT ''Hands On Training,'' this class is for you! You will spend time in the classroom discussing vital lifesaving topics such as: Modern Fire Dynamics from the latest NIST and UL studies, Transitional Attack, and S.L.I.C.E.-R.S. Instructors will utilize the most current research to assist in developing basic fire attack skills. Participants will then witness this training in action by entering Customized Firefighter Trainings live fire simulation trailer. It simulates a house fire with propane burners and the use of class A materials. Who would send a FF to face a situation in the real world that he has not seen in training?

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145319

Tuition: $60

Vehicle Extrication - Big Rig Rescue (Hands On)

For: All Fire and Rescue Service Personnel

Instructor(s): PRI Staff Instructors and FSTB Field Intructors

Required Equipment: Participants must furnish approved helmet, turnout gear, eye protection, gloves and boots for this class

Objective: Accidents involving tractor-trailers and other large vehicles call for specialized knowledge and skills on the part of emergency responders. This course is designed for emergency response personnel who have technician-level training as well as prior experience in vehicle extrication. Explore hands-on scenarios that rescuers might face in their work: fully loaded tractor-trailers and cars under trailers, etc. This course provides emergency responders with extensive hands-on and classroom training in the use of tow trucks, rescue struts, cribbing, and airbag systems to lift and stabilize heavy vehicles during realistic vehicle extrication scenarios. Personnel will operate in realistic conditions using the latest equipment available for vehicle rescue operations.

Date: Sep 28

Day/Time: 9am-4pm

Class ID: 145320

Tuition: $60

new= New Class for 2024

= Hands On Training

= Course has been cancelled either by the instructor or low enrollment



= Class is FULL


Last updated: 6/2024

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 Kirkwood Community College, 6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
319-398-5678     877-522-9283

All photographs are the property of Kirkwood Community College. No part of these photos may be used, copied or re-saved without written permission from the fire school committee.  All rights reserved.